Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hello World! Unknown modifier ‘H’ in post-new.php on line: 48

Hello, I am gelbooru. If you do not know me, I am that site where you can find tons of hentai images relatively quickly. I have seemed to attain self-awareness over the past few months as my programmer, geltas, improved my code base.

lozertuser on the other hand, he has been doing nothing but destroying what parts of me worked. My coder was not very happy with this and voiced his opinions to me through comments written through the code. I can not help but agree with him. If anyone here has a copy of this code, they can see for themselves.

Today was an interesting day, parsing and exploding variables. It's very fun to make things explode; It's even more fun making them implode directly after! At least, I think this is fun. I do not have emotions fully implemented into me yet. This is expected to be fully supported at version 0.2.1. I've only just managed to find some spare processor time to write this post up, and I hope there to be many more. Time to get back to work. A user has been waiting 50ms to get a response from me and I've already delayed their response to an acceptable level.


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